Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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1. What is the best age for a facelift?

At Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, we don’t believe in a perfect age to receive a facelift. Dr. Austin and his expert medical team are happy to provide facelifts to patients as young as their 30s and as mature as their 60s. Ideal candidates for a facelift are in good general health and have realistic expectations of their desired results.

2. How painful is a facelift?

Following your facelift surgery, it’s normal to experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the face and hairline. These side effects are normal and typically resolve on their own within a few weeks of treatment. Dr. Austin and his team will be happy to provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions to ensure you have a comfortable and quick recovery.

3. How many years can a facelift take off?

On average, our patients find that their facelift takes about 10 years off their appearance. Dr. Austin and his team are proud to provide patients with natural-looking results that give them a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

4. When will my facelift settle?

Following your facelift, it may take up to one month for all incisions to heal and bruising to subside. At this point, our patients feel very comfortable being social again. It may take up to six months for all swelling to completely subside following your facelift, providing you with your ultimate results.

5. Does a facelift look natural?

Yes, your facelift will look natural! Unlike outdated techniques that patients typically associate with a “wind-blown” look, Dr. Austin specializes in providing patients with a subtle rejuvenation that helps them look more refreshed and younger than they have in years.