Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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The midsection is one of the most challenging areas of the body to tone and tighten. Sometimes, even diet and exercise are not enough. Tummy tucks are surgical procedures that remove excess skin and fat, as well as tighten the underlying muscles. While the surgery is safe and effective, not everyone needs surgery for tummy tightening. At Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, we offer men and women non-surgical tummy tuck options.

What are Non-Surgical Tummy Tucks?

The two most common reasons that people are unhappy with their abdominal areas are excess fat and loose skin. Tummy tuck surgery involves making incisions and removing the fat and skin. With a non-surgical tummy tuck, it is possible to tighten the skin and eliminate fat cells. One of these options may be right for you.


SmartLipo is a type of minimally-invasive liposuction that removes small pockets of fat from your abdominal area. Although incisions are required for the procedure, they are much smaller than the incisions that are used for a complete surgical tummy tuck. In fact, the incisions are small enough that sutures are not needed in most cases, and the scars are practically invisible. SmartLipo for tightening the stomach area is best for men and women who have isolated areas of fat in the abdominal area.


CoolSculpting® is non-invasive, meaning that no incisions are required for the treatment. Tummy tightening with CoolSculpting® works by freezing fat cells, and this destroys the fat. You can see an improvement with just one session. Full results may require additional treatments. There is no downtime with our CoolSculpting® treatments.


CoolTone takes an innovative approach to non-surgical tummy tightening. The treatment is based upon Magnetic Muscle Stimulation that causes contractions in your abdominal area. This builds and strengthens your muscles much faster than what you can achieve through exercise. One 30-minute treatment with CoolTone in your abdominal area produces the same muscle development as 20,000 crunches. Toning muscles gives your midsection a more defined appearance. If you have excess fat in the area, we recommend combining CoolTone and CoolSculpting® for your non-surgical tummy tuck.

TruSculpt® ID

If your abdominal area has excess fat and loose skin, TruSculpt® ID may be right for you. The treatment uses radiofrequency (RF) energy that is applied through a special device. When applied to fat cells in the body, RF energy destroys the cells. The thermal property of RF energy also stimulates collagen production, and this tightens the skin of your abdominal area. In most cases, full results are seen after just two 15-minute treatments.

After Your Non-Surgical Tummy Tuck

Non-surgical tummy tucks do eliminate the fat cells in the treatment area, but you may develop fat in other parts of your abdomen. The best way to prolong the results of your non-surgical tummy tuck is to continue following a healthy, active lifestyle.

Is a Non-Surgical Tummy Tuck Right for You?

A non-surgical tummy tuck can help you tone and tighten your midsection when diet and exercise aren’t working. To learn more about non-surgical tummy tucks at Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, contact us today to schedule a consultation.