Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery
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At Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery, we understand that anticipation and excitement builds as you countdown the days to your breast augmentation. Being well-prepared ahead of your augmentation allows you to relax and enjoy a successful surgery and recovery. As the day of your breast augmentation approaches, Dr. Austin will provide you with a list of arrangements to make. Many of our patients are curious as to what is expected of them the day before as well as the day of surgery.

The Day Before

Are you feeling alright: Let us know as soon as possible if you come down with a cold or any sort of infection. Surgery requires that you be healthy and any illness will need to be treated and resolved before  Dr. Austin can operate.

Make sure to stop at the pharmacy: You will want to pick-up any medications Dr. Austin has prescribed.

Confirm with friends and family: Remember, following your augmentation you will need assistance—make sure to confirm with your ride home and, if applicable, with those who will be helping you out with your children or pets.

Keep your stomach empty: Do not eat or drink anything (including water) after midnight. It is imperative that you do not have anything in your stomach for at least eight hours prior to your surgery. The only caveat: with the exception of blood thinners, continue taking daily prescriptions—you are allowed small sips of water for this.

Pack a purse: Prepare a small recovery pack to make the trip home easier and more comfortable. What to include? An ID, a water bottle, some simple dry snacks, and your prescribed pain medication.

Pick out a comfortable outfit: Make sure to have soft, comfy, and loose clothes to wear home. Make it as easy on yourself as possible, choose non-fussy clothing such as zip up and button-less pants. You do not need to worry about a post-surgical bra as one will be provided for you.

The Day Of

Shower as you would normally: No special cleansing is needed—you are able to wash your hair and body as you normally would. Please shave your armpits if the incision is to be placed in the armpit (trans-axillary).

Keep Your Skin Naked: Do not apply lotion or moisturizers anywhere—face and hands included. The same goes for deodorant and antiperspirant.

Make sure to have a “helper”: As an outpatient surgery, you will be able to go home and rest in the comfort of your own bed. However, for the first 24 hours, you are not to be alone. You will be groggy and unable to take care of yourself. Have a trusted friend around to help you throughout the day.

We are dedicated to ensuring that your experience is positive and as comfortable as possible. Along with Dr. Austin, we will work closely with you to help you prepare for your surgery and recovery. If you need any clarification or have any questions, please contact us at Southeastern Aesthetic Surgery and one of our highly experienced staff members will be pleased to help you.